Inviting employees to your programme

Inviting employees is the funnest part! All your hard work planning and prepping your Do Nation starts paying off.

Only users who you have invited to your programme through your ‘manage users’ portal will be able to make pledges on your campaigns (unless you’re on a custom plan). So be sure to do this when launching your campaign.

Step 1

Go to your organisation page; on the left hand menu, click  Manage users.

Step 2

Click the little green “+”, you’ll be able to either add users individually or in bulk by uploading a CSV file.

The only data you need to upload for each user is their first name, last name, and email address. 

Step 3

Users get an email from emma[at] (see below)

Once you’ve added users, they’ll receive an email inviting them to activate their Do Nation account and make a pledge to your campaign. It explains very briefly what Do Nation is about, but it’s worth you telling them separately too, otherwise they might delete the email in confusion - you don’t want that!

People will need access to email and their accounts won’t be activated until they log in and create a password.

Adding users also impacts your subscription fee. When your subscription comes to an end, details of any users who did not activate their account will be permanently removed from our systems. You can find out more about how we handle this data in line with GDPR here.

The email from Emma

As soon as you add users they will receive an email to let them know. The email content cannot be edited. Here’s what it says: 
Hi [user name], [Programme admin name] just added you to [organisation name]’s Do Nation program.

Do Nation is a community of people who are making small everyday changes towards healthier, more environmentally friendly lifestyles. Because to make a difference, we have to do something different.
Read more .

Support your team and see how much impact you can create together. [Make your pledge now - linked to your organisation page] If you have any questions please reply to us or get in touch with your programme leader [programme admin name] directly.

Great to have you on the team, The Do Team
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